Materials and Nanotechnology for Innovation (TEP-946)
Main research lines:
- Materials and additive fabrication: applications for the production of consumer goods in areas of aerospace, naval, food and other industrial sectors.
- Nanoanalysis and Nanoprocessing of materials: by electron nanoscopies and focused ion beams.
- Development of nanocomposites of polymeric matrix: with graphene and other 2D materials, metallic nanoparticles, wastes and functional additives. Main applications and fields of photonics, photovoltaics and industrial engineering.
- Valorization of industrial waste and by-products for additive manufacturing and other production technologies.
Our main aim is to create richness from the application of knowledge in the fields of Materials Science and Engineering, and Nanotechnology. The R&D+I activity of our group is focused on two work lines: (i) Investigating the relationship among nanostructure, processing and function of materials in order to improve the production of new materials and the creation of innovative products with market potential. (ii) Development of materials for additive fabrication (3D printing). We pay special attention to the contribution of nanotechnology for improving these materials to innovate in the field of 3D and 4D printing.
Group leader: Prof. Dr. Sergio I. Molina