Scientific Equipment
The researchers from IMEYMAT are users of groups scientific equipment of UCA linked to the own Institute or its integrated Research Teams, the Central Facilities of Scientific and Technical Investigations (SC-ICYT), and the Service of Supercomputation:
Equipment of IMEYMAT and its Integrated Research Teams |
Division of Electron Microscopy (SC-ICYT) |
Laboratory of Solid Sample Preparations for Microscopies (SC-ICYT) |
Division of Additive Fabrication – 3D Printing (SC-ICYT) |
Divisions of X-ray Diffraction (SC-ICYT) |
Division of Atomic Spectrometry (SC-ICYT) |
Division of XPS (SC-ICYT) |
CAI Hardware of Supercomputation: Cluster for Supporting Research |
Classification of the Scientific Equipment of IMEYMAT and its Research Teams:
Code | Technival Group | Subcode | Type of Instrumental |
A | Sample preparation |
A.1 A.2 A.3 |
Embutido, Corte y Pulido
Molturación y dispersión Separación |
B | Thermo-physical & Thermo-chemical | B.1
B.2 B.3 |
Análisis térmico y Calorimetría
Reactores térmicos Equipamiento térmico |
C | Spectroscopies | C.1
C.2 C.3 |
Espectroscopía Electrónica
Espectroscopía Molecular Otras Espectroscopías |
D | Microscopies | D.1
D.2 D.3 |
Microscopía óptica
Otras Microscopías Accesorios de Microscopía |
E | Mechanical and Surface characterizations | E.1
E.2 E.3 |
Mediciones mecánicas
Caracterización superficial Caracterización porosa |
F | Optics and opto-chemical | F.1
F.2 F.3 |
Fuentes de iluminación
Optomecánica Adquisición de imagen |
G | Computing and computer systems | G.1
G.2 G.3 |
Software Adquisición de datos |
H | Magnetic characterizations | H.1 | Magneto-ópticas y Magneto-eléctricas |
I | Electric and electronic systems | I.1 | Fuentes y Medidores |
X | Other equipment | X.1 | Otros |
In the following document is available a complete list of the Scientific Equipment of IMEYMAT and its Research Teams.