On 10 November, “Café con Ciencia” was celebrated at the University of Cádiz where the IMEYMAT participated through different workshops/activities attended by students from school and high school from different institutes. The audience was able to enjoy the following meetings:
How do thing look at a million magnification – Juan Jesús Jiménez Ríos and Francisco Miguel Morales Sánchez
Surveillance of the health status of fetuses during delivery using a lactate biosensor – José María Palacios Santander and Juan José García Guzmán
When the superficial is what matters: the UCA surface analysis service (XPS) – Ginesa Blanco Montilla
Travelling to WORLD-NANO from Zaragoza to Cádiz via England, France and the United States – Susana Trasobares Llorente
More information at Café con Ciencia