Our colleagues from the Higher Polytechnic School of Algeciras have conducted an interview with our colleague Teresa Ben, a member of IMEYMAT and recently awarded the
Prize for Research Excellence of the UCA in her modality of female researcher in the areas of Engineering and Architecture. Next, you can read the interview:
QUESTION. What does receiving this award mean to you?
ANSWER. A great reward, the recognition of my work and that of my colleagues, I say this because this work is not only mine, but also of the people around me.
Q. Among the research staff of Engineering and Technology in Spanish universities there are only 24% of women. Do you think that our students and young women in general need more female references in the field of research and innovation? Do you think that it is possible to achieve gender equality in this field?
A. Of course, the existence of female referents for young people is key, referents that demonstrate that both a woman and a man can be suitable for engineering work, and that it is no longer strange to see a woman in a factory. Gender equality in engineering is not something we should look for as an obsession, as an imposed fashion. It is enough to stop putting obstacles in the way of this happening. In any case, I think it is something that will only be brought to reality with a governmental and social awareness of the need to compensate for the extra responsibilities of women, for example, when it comes to being a mother.
Q. What moment(s) would you highlight from your experiences as a researcher?
A. On the one hand, the acknowledgements received: the latter and the prize for the best doctoral thesis on materials awarded by the Microscopy Society of Spain. I also remember with great pleasure my stay at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides of the Université Paris Sud. It was a great experience, enriching both personally and at work.
Q. Tell us briefly about any result of your research that has caused you more satisfaction.
A. Firstly, my contribution to the development of two software for the interpretation of electron microscopy images for the study of various materials, and on the other hand the development of maps of composition in nanostructures of four-element alloys, which I hope will bring closer the goal of manufacturing high-efficiency solar cells at a lower cost.
Q. Would you encourage your students to devote themselves to R+D+i?
A. There is no doubt that it would encourage many students to get into the field of R+D+i so that with their work they contribute to improving the technological qualification in our country. Only through research and innovation can we improve our technology and put it at the service of engineering.