The directors of the research institutes have met to share the needs and demands they are going to make, which are necessary for the interests of their own research institutes that already have the approval of the Junta de Andalucia, directing these requests to the channelling of research through the institutes and their recognition as knowledge-generating centres.
This working group arose as a particular initiative of these institutes, to analyse their current situation and their short and medium-term vision in terms of their recognition and consolidation as research and transfer centres of the UCA in each of its strategic themes.
They have agreed on a series of periodic meetings to establish the horizontal needs of all the institutes and to determine a strategic position for the future of the research institutes within the University of Cadiz.
The following were represented at this meeting: the Applied Linguistics Research Institute (ILA), the Institute of Electronic Microscopy and Materials (IMEYMAT), the Marine Research Institute (INMAR), the Research Institute for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS) and the Biomolecule Research Institute (INBIO). The Instituto de Investigaciones Vitivinícolas y Agroalimentarias (IVAGRO) excused its assistance.