Caleta Team, a team of the University of Cádiz, received first place in regional phase Europe+Russia+Australia international Artificial Intelligence OpenCV AI Competition 2021. NeoCam is the award-winning project, which consists of monitoring neonates in incubators using technologies such as deep learning, computer vision, the Internet of things, frontier and cloud computing.
The UCA participated through the Caleta Team made up of a dozen researchers, made up of a team from the UCA Datalab, coordinated by David Gómez-Ullate Oteiza, Ángel Ruiz Zafra from the GOAL, research group and Lionel Cervera Gontard from IMEYMAT, with the collaboration of doctors from Puerta del Mar Hospital.
Thanks to the NeoCam system, it is possible to monitor, through the use of computer algorithms and machine learning, the respiratory rate, physical activity, pain, emotional stress and sleep-awake cycles. The technology developed is aligned with the European PARENT project, in which the University of Cádiz and the University Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation of Cádiz (INiBICA) participated.
Now NeoCam competes in the final phase. The result of competition will be announced those Thursday, 9th of Semptember, there will also be an award for the most popular proposal with free public voting
More information at UCA