This year, the XI Young Researchers in Atomic and Molecular Physics Conferences (J2IFAM) will be held in the Faculty of Sciences, organised by doctoral students from the SCEM group of the Department of Physical Chemistry and the IMEYMAT Institute, and actively sponsored by the GEFAM (Grupo Especializado en Física Atómica y Molecular) of the CSIC, the IMEYMAT and the Vice-rectorates for Research and Teaching Resources and Communication of the University of Cadiz.
The Young Researchers in Atomic and Molecular Physics Conferences (J2IFAM) is a national scientific event whose purpose is to bring together predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers and provide a forum in which to disseminate and discuss the results of their scientific activity related to Atomic and Molecular Physics.
The J2IFAM were born within the Department of Atomic, Molecular and Aggregates Physics of the Institute of Fundamental Physics of the CSIC (2008), and during the last decade has been hosted by different Spanish universities: University of Barcelona (2010 and 2018), University of Santiago de Compostela (2011), University of Granada (2012), Complutense University of Madrid (2013), University of the Basque Country (2014), University of Jaén (2015), University of Valladolid (2016) and University of Seville (2017).
The conference will be held from 26 to 29 March, and the registration and abstract submission period will end on 31 January. For more information, please visit”.